Welcome to the gallery, where everytime a blog or page is posted, the pictures of the blog / post will be put here!

Earlier I had this idea, can I make a page that is useful and functional? Yes you can, but how do I, as a blog writer, create a new page. During these few days I started to think about how to give an interesting new page, I started by writing ideas. From trivial things to useful things. And I keep looking.

The longer I know what I can do. I will use these pages for things that are not in line with the topic. I started writing ideas that fit with my main idea. And finally one of those ideas is this. A public gallery.

The main reason I made this is so that other students can also use these photos for them to take as their blog photos. They don’t have to search the internet to find good photos, they can use the photos I got from the internet. With this they don’t have to spend time scrolling or browsing just to find something that doesn’t fit. In addition, they can also provide opinions about the website that I created. Welcome to the GetTeKNOWlogy gallery, take any photo here!

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